
Dave and Darlene Barnett

David and Darlene Barnett are the senior equipping pastors at New Song (see Ephesians 4:11-12). They function, as it were, as coaches to those who are serving Jesus Christ as small group leaders as well as those attending the groups who are potential group leaders.
Their desire is to see New Song and Silver Spring Township conformed to the image of Christ through His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

Picture of Dave and Darlene

Group Leaders

Nate and Michelle

Meeting on Sunday evenings at 6 P.M. in our home.

When you visit any of our small groups within New Song Community Church, you will experience a community of believers that meet in homes whose foundation is rooted in the same mission and beliefs. Each group is unique not only in the time and location in which they meet, but also in the gifts and strengths each person contributes to their group.

When we were asked to include a description of what a visitor would find if they attended our small group, we immediately thought of the words Nate believes God gave him when we first started leading our own group.

Distributing Grace and Imparting Hope

We continue to focus on this with where our studies in the Bible lead us as well as how we encourage and pray for one another. We believe that church shouldn’t be confined to a culture or tradition, but rather is defined by people who build each other up in the Holy Spirit through loving fellowship with one another. We feel that the fellowship of believers as described in Acts 2:42 provides a foundation for us each time we meet:

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

The “breaking of bread” is one we enjoy taking to heart with our desire to have a “food night” once a month during church in addition to the times we gather outside of Sunday evenings to fellowship with one another. We often get together for game nights as well as outdoor activities like volleyball and hiking which are also shared events with many people within New Song.

We also thought we would share a few comments those in our group expressed when we asked them to describe our group:

Word Wall

Steve and Karen

We share our home, hearts, and the Holy Spirit.

Jeremiah and Deanna

Our group mostly consists of teachings from our life experiences, which is supported by scripture. The group feels like a family because of its supportive and encouraging environment. Worship, prayer, and intercession are integral parts of our group. Both adults and kids are welcome and take part in our gatherings in an informal setting.

Keith and Jenna

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